We have begun working on the inside of the house. You just can’t keep Al and John from working! The porch is insulated! Next we’re working on basement framing for insulation!
The Buttermaker House is almost put to bed for the winter.
- The garage was cleaned out to store the cream truck safely and given a coat or two of paint. ✅
- The septic tank has been installed. ✅
- The furnace is set in place and working. ✅
- The landscaping around the house is looking pretty. ✅
Thanks to our volunteers for all their work this year! One more job in the works is left… insulate porch addition.
In two days we have almost got the house painted with two coats of paint. A bit more blue trim to do then we are done. Thanks this week to Chantal, Marlene, Byron, Dave, John, and Al.
During the last week of August 2021 the house was busy being scrapped and primed thanks to Al, John, Andrew, Gordon, and John Z. Lots of elbow grease.
We are grateful to the Province for the Historic Resources Foundation Conservation Grant that has assisted in covering some of our costs in 2021, and also to the Red Deer County.
August 2021 brought us the basement floor poured by Marshall Construction. Cedar siding on the addition done by our intrepid volunteers fueled by Creamery ice cream!
June and July saw some trenching, basement work, windows and door in the side addition. A new roof with cedar shingles done by Cooper Roofing was begun.
In June 2021 we saw the addition of the porch and exterior stairs to newly poured foundation. Some preliminary work to basement done to get ready for the basement floor. Our volunteers had a good start to the summer work to be done.
The Buttermaker House is almost ready for exterior paint!
We are beginning Phase 2 of the restoration. Our amazing volunteers worked hard this weekend to build the porch addition. Well, sometimes we allowed them to have coffee & something to eat.
This week, Cooper Roofing will be removing the asphalt shingles & replacing with cedar shakes. We’ll share those photos when they begin.
This week, it was time to move the Buttermaker’s House back into place.
This was a very stressful time for me but thanks to Warkentin Building Movers. She’s home!
We’re planning to tackle the roof (Phase 2) in the spring. We’ll keep you posted on any new developments.