Photos from Sept 28 Gala

The Stephan G. Stephansson Icelandic Society’s 50th Anniversary Gala was a labour of love from the committee members and volunteers!
Bernice, Marlene, John, Pam, Beth, and Donna were there right from the beginning of planning the September 28, 2024 event. The spouses and other volunteers magically appeared for the usual behind the scenes set up at Spruce View Hall. Our local smithy Doug Taylor (BrenX Artistic Blacksmithing) came through with a beautiful (and very popular) centrepiece for the 20 tables. d’Arcy & Al Gamble kept the Brennivin flowing with “first the Herring, then take a drink.”
The evening was in good hands under the care of Laurel Corbiere, our Master of Ceremonies, who kept everything on track; and the Spruce View 2025 Grads did a wonderful job serving the meal under the guidance of Jaye Hillman.
After the fun, feast, and fanfare was over, it was wonderful to see the West Central Wranglers 4H and Rangeland Beef 4H arrive just in time for the event take down and cleanup.


The Master of Ceremonies Laurel Corbiere began with her opening remarks, and then introduced Kathleen Raines, the 2024 Alberta Fjallkona, to give an address to the SGSIS 50th Anniversary Gala attendees on September 28, 2024.


Before the formal dinner began several attendees and representatives presented greetings, including President John McKechnie, the Honourable Earl Dreeshen, Mayor Jim Woods, and Councilor Brent Ramsay. Karen Gummo read one of Stephan G.’s poems in Icelandic and then in English; followed by Grace given by Ellen Ingolfsson in Icelandic.
I’ve also included some photos of the meal (along with requested gluten free options) with a warm Thank You to Milly Oak Café & Catering (Derek Layden), Jaye Hillman, and the Spruce View 2025 Grads.


Clicquot Trio
    Bryan Niblock, Claire Butler, Stefano Valdo

Ellen Ingolfsson - Grace

Janet Lutz - Harpest Interlude
Karen Gummo - Poem

Magic of Markerville

Earlier in the evening there was a poem reading by Karen Gummo. After the meal we enjoyed a performance of three pieces by Harpist Janet Lutz.
Following the Interlude, Bernice Andersen and Marlene Linneberg gave a presentation of “The Magic of Markerville”, sharing the history of Markerville and SGSIS in story and slides, with the assistance of Brooke Henrikson on projector.
Closing out the evening was an encore performance by Clicquot Trio (Brian Niblock, Claire Butler, and Stefano Valdo)

Silent Auction

Throughout the night at the 50th Anniversary Gala held September 28, everyone had a chance to place a bid for their favourite Silent Auction item displayed along the far wall. At the end of the evening, bids were closed and the winners declared.


The SGSIS 50th Anniversary Gala was held on September 28, 2024 at the Spruce View Hall and has provided many wonderful memories for everyone who took part. The special Scandinavian appetizer at the start of the three course meal was definitely an exquisite highlight: Rullapylsa on dark rye bread with perfect garnishes.

Appetizer group for the SGSIS 50th Anniversary Gala, back row left to right is Smorgasbord Chef Michele Johannson, Marie Sveinson, Wendy Larsen; and in front Jill Johannson and Charla Kure.

Photos submitted by Bernice Andersen and Marie Sveinson.

Submitted by Laurel Corbiere

50 years! A golden anniversary for the Stephan G. Stephansson Icelandic Society. Grandpa Joe was the first President in 1974 and today they operate six historic sites in Historic Markerville. Thank you to Bernice Andersen, Marlene Linneberg and all the community volunteers for organizing a beautiful evening complete with fine dining by Milly Oak in Lacombe, beautiful music, kind words and many well wishes. It was an honor to MC the evening! – Laurel Andersen Corbiere